an uplifting yoga community
What The dmYOGA community is not,
Although we all appreciate -- dedication, commitment, and good showmanship. We are not worried too much about who wears the most fancy clothing, demonstrates the most advanced asanas, has the most extensive training, reads the most attention grabbing articles, or even who has the most impressive class attendance record. (Again, don't get us wrong because thoughtfully applied, any combination of those items could certainly take you a long way.) However, we are focused on one thing...
and we do it really well.
At dmYOGA we focus on each and every human being that walks though the door. Because we believe that who you are, what you do, and why you do it, matters. Given a chance to be seen, believed in, and encouraged you'll easily live up to your highest potential. We hope to influence and help you have a profound and positive impact on the people closest to you and all others everywhere on the planet.
What a few of our students are saying!
Ahraz husain
I work on technology at Pioneer that helps farmers. When I was young and growing up in India I noticed that it was the farmers who did the most work and got so little in return. So I'm doing my work for them. But I do yoga with this group because it helps me to feel less stressed and take care of my body. I'm so glad I was able to find an inspiring and mindful and like minded community of people!
Hannah Greve-Ludwig
I teach Art classes in the Waukee School District and get to interact with the future everyday. I use my yoga practice to help keep me centered and humble in my own life and so I can hold a positive influence on my students. With an open mind, I get to learn something new every time I step on my mat. My husband Nick loves my weekly treks to yoga class so he can spend some QT with our son Noah.
Scott Allen
I work at a professional Architecture firm in Des Moines and manage a big team doing numerous and very complex projects all at the same time. I think yoga helps me to get out of my head and more into my body. Since I can't go fishing and camping everyday I figure I should make the time to get up and out of the office chair and meet my wife at the class. Its something we to look forward to doing together after the work day.